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Our educational CREE app builds brand loyalty and puts the spotlight on savings.

Cree Calculate My Savings website banner image
A Cree lightbulb

Cree, an industry-leading innovator of LED lighting, came to us to design and develop an interactive cost-savings calculator for The tool highlights the efficiency of LED bulbs by allowing consumers to calculate the annual amount they would save by switching to LED. Savings are presented in an easy-to-read infographic that can be shared with friends and family via Facebook, Twitter or email. The clean, sophisticated tool engages users, provides them with an accurate savings calculation and offers a Buy Now option, making for a seamless consumer experience as it creates brand advocates who encourage others to join the LED revolution.

Visit the Site
Cree Savings Calculator website page
Cree Savings Calculator website page displayed on a mobile phone
Find a Retail Location popup window from the Cree website
Bulb Selections page from the Cree website

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